
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Call me Crazy

Good gosh, I haven't posted in days! Well, time to change that starting now.

Okay, so I've had some recent thoughts on projects I want to start. First off, you can call me crazy, but I'm going to start learning French along side Gaelic. I'll take it a lot slower, and Gaelic will still be my priority, but I've always felt somewhat drawn to the French language. Maybe it's because one of my favorite books, which happens to be a historical fiction, happens to have a French setting. I remember blogging about considering it before, and I'm not sure what made me so suddenly wanting to learn it, but here I go on the journey to learn a third language!

One of my other thoughts is sword fighting. I've never been good at it; mostly because I'm afraid I'll hit someone and hurt them. In the past I've considered learning, though last night I got this huge urge to start researching and practicing sword fighting. But before I go all crazy on it, I'm taking a few days to think about it. I've often been a person who gets sudden impulses, and a few days later realize I don't truly want to do it, but it sounded fun at the time. Like skydiving. Every time I ride a plane, I ask myself I I could make myself jump out. Each time the answer has surprisingly been yes (I know, that's weird for me). Though I'm sure if I was actually going up with the intent of jumping, it would be quite different.

I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Less than a week away. Underneath our tree is so full, I'm not sure we'll be able to fit anymore boxes underneath. Now we've never really had any traditions around Christmas, though a few years ago we started having Christmas dinner. This year we're opening our presents on Christmas Eve morning. That's like our only tradition; to no open presents on at the same time, or same day, two years in a row. It's not even a real tradition, it's just what happens.

Because of NaNoWriMo I got way side tracked on Gaelic, and because of that I'm a bit rusty. Luckily it's coming back real quick. Luckily I have a good memory. Actually, it's funny, I have one of the best memories, and one of the worst memories. It all depends on how much I concentration.

For the past few days I haven't really done any writing on Heart of Fire, but that's because I've been kind of busy. As much as I want to, I'm not letting myself go back and edit. So far I've completed chapter one. I've decided five pages is my chapter minimum, and around seven to eight will be the maximum. I figure that's a fair amount, though once I someday get it in the actually formatting of the published product, that might seem really long, or short. We'll see though.

Oh, happy first day of Winter everybody! Autumn and Winter are my favorite seasons. I hope it snows a bit this Winter. I'm really hoping it does, just because snow is awesome. I can never decided which of the two is my favorite. It's kind of like picking a favorite book, or movie. It's just impossible.

I've been reading this book, Anastasia: The Lost Princess, and it's quite fascinating! It's written by James Lovell, who happened to meet Anna Anderson/Anastasia and it's my first time reading from the point of view that Anna was in fact Anastasia. He believed it without a doubt, and so far the book has been very informative. I haven't decided which I believe, though based on what he's written it does seem very likely that Anna was Anastasia. Just the name, Anna Anderson, makes me think of something Anastasia might have come up with. Something I didn't know, is she tried to commit suicide before coming out to say she was the Tsars daughter. I could see that happening; after all, if my family and friends were murdered right before my eyes I might not feel like living either. Plus he had countless tapes of interview with Anna, and he learned to tell when she was lying or not. He spent countless years on this book, and so it's really fun reading it.

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