
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Last Palace of the Last Tsar

Tsar Nicholas II28 May. Monday. [1918]
A very warm day. They are constantly opening boxes in the barn where our things are located and taking out various objects and provisions from Tobolsk. And that, with no explanation of the reasons. All this makes one think that things that are liked can easily be taken to [someone's] homes, which means gone for us! Disgusting!

The external relations have also changed in the past few weeks: the jailers are trying not to talk to us, as if they feel guilty, and it feels like they have some anxiety or are afraid of something. Confusing!


21 June. Thursday. [1918]
There was a change of commandants today -- during dinner Beloborodov and other came in and announced that instead of Avdeyev, the one whom we mistook for a doctor has been appointed -- Yurovsky.

During the day before tea, he and his assistants catalogued the gold jewelry -- ours and the children's; the majority that it was because there was an unpleasant incident in our house, mentioned our missing things. So the conviction about which I wrote on 28 May had been confirmed.

I feel sorry for Avdeyev, it is not his fault that he was not able to hold back his people from stealing from the chests in the barn.

Twenty six days after his final diary entry (above), Nicholas, along with his family and remaining staff, would but ushered down to the basement of the Ipatiev House in the dead of night. By the next morning all of them would be dead.

The name of the House of Special Purpose was identical to the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, where the Romanovs came to the throne. Not many photographs of the house exists, and very few or none exist of it before the deaths of the Romanovs. The house itself was demolished in July of 1977, after being declared of "not enough historical importance." The government was embarrassed by the amount of people visiting to pay their respects to the Romanovs, and had it destroyed. This did not, however, stop people from coming. Sometimes they would sneak out at night, and lay tribute on the now empty lot. It was after the Soviet state fell that the Church on the Blood was built where the Ipatiev House used to stand, and it's now a major place of pilgrimage.

Luckily I have been able to find many photos of the Ipatiev House, all taken after the Romanov's were killed (at least I presume there were. It is possible, however unlikely, that some were taken before their deaths).

Ipatiev house, drawing room
Drawing room
Ipatiev house, dining room
Dining room
Shots of the house in which the Romanov Family was murdered in 1918 (Ipatiev House, Ekaterinberg)
A hallway
Grand Duchesses' bedroom, Ipatiev house photos (interior & exterior)
Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia's bedroom

Ipatiev house, Nichlas, Alexei, and Alexandra's bedroom
Nicholas, Alexandra, and Alexei's bedroom

Shots of the house in which the Romanov Family was murdered in 1918 (Ipatiev House, Ekaterinberg)
Stair, leading to who knows where

Ipatiev house, stairs to ground floor
Stairs to the ground floor

Ipatiev house, art in NA&A bedroom wall
Art from Nicholas, Alexandra, and Alexei's room

Ipatiev house, basement where the Romanovs were killed

Ipatiev house, drawing room
Drawing room

While doing my research on the Romanovs I discovered an old forum, where people had discussed the Ipatiev House, gathering photos and making speculations. It seems throughout the house there was some written graffiti, and in the basement in particular there was writing that some believed to be a clue of some kind.

The letters "syl" are written on the wall, and another fain letter before the "s" that could either be a "v" or possible an "m." Now you've got to remember, if it means anything than it'd mean something in Russian. So for someone like me, I can go trying to guess a word that it could be. Thank goodness for the people on this forum, who had some interesting ideas. It seemed to make most sense that it was written backwards, which would mean it was "lysv" or "lysm." Could it be initials? A word? A sign? Nobody will ever know for certain.

If the missing letter was in fact an "m" then if might be spelling Lysma, which means Flame. That was the name of Lenin's special unit of executioners. One of the users, Penny, made an interesting post which explains rather nicely why those letters may have been put there:

"...Then one day, Greg had the History Channel on the television, and on came a documentary about the Siege of Sidney Street, a failed burglary attempt in London's East End in 1910. The crime was carried out by a group of Latvians, all of whom belonged to a revolutionary organization called "Lysma," meaning "The Flame."
"Subsequent investigation turned up evidence that showed Lysma was fairly closely tied to the exiled Russian revolutionaries in London -- even attending secret meetings with prominent Bolsheviks -- and, indeed, throughout many European cities. 
Ipatiev house, basement wall
The writing on the wall in the basement
"Long story short, Lysma was still heavily active in 1918, especially in Russia, where the Latvian revolutionaries were busily out-fiercing many of the Bolsheviks. Lenin himself was surrounded by a Latvian Guard, they being considered more dedicated and reliable in the revolutionary cause than most Russian regiments.
"It may also be remembered that Yurovsky brought several Latvians and Baltic Letts into the house with him, and these men used the murder room as a dormitory until the night of the murder. It seemed most likely to Greg and I that this inscription was placed there by an off-duty Latvian guard, tagging the room with the name of his own revolutionary organization. There were several other pieces of graffiti in the room -- and indeed, throughout the house -- not only this one and the Belshazzar one. The initial investigators believed that they were merely the off-duty artwork of bored guards."

In my opinion that theory wraps up the origin of the letters rather nicely, though if a time machine existed then it could be proven once and for all. Ah, maybe in another couple hundred years.

It does seem like their explanation wraps it all up nicely, but wait. There's more. While it does seem a little far fetched, there's this little beautify to ponder. Yurovsky's 1920's testimony in the book The Fall of the Romanovs page 365 mentions "Lysev":

Yurovsky: "I left with a report for Moscow on the night of the 19th. It was then that I gave the valuables to Trifonov, member of the Third Army's Revolutionary Council. I think Beloborodov, Novoselov, and someone else buried them in a basement in the earthen floor of a worker's house in Lysev."
Not all the "valuables" were taken to Mosocw for some reason. Yurovsky gave some of the IF [Imperial Family] "valuables" to Trifonov who in turn give them to Beloborodov, Novoselov and another. These "valuables" were said to have been buried in the village of Lysev in the basement of one of the "worker's house".

I think it should be noted that the basement mentioned above is not talking about the basement of the Ipatiev House. It does rather just make the whole writing on the wall all the more confusing, wouldn't you say?

Finally I have to address more writing on the wall in the Ipatiev House before this post is through. I have no idea where in the house this was written, but it would seem that it's from a German poem, written by Heinrich Heine.

Iaptiev House, basement wallpaper -- From a poem in German by Heinrich Heine: "Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht Von seinen Knechten umgebracht." It's a reference to a story in the Old Testament book of Daniel. In translation: "On the same night Belshazzar Was killed by his own slaves." The name "Belsazar" in the original was altered to "Belsatzar" in the Ipatiev house graffiti as a deliberate pun on the word "tzar."
"Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht Von seinen Knechten umgebracht"
It's a reference to a story in the Old Testament book of Daniel. In translation: "On the same night Belshazzar was killed by his own slaves." The name Belsazar" in the original was altered to "Belsatzar" in the Ipatiev house graffiti as a deliberate pun on the word "tzar." Seems the Bolsheviks had a crude sense of humor.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Book Shelf Tag

So I was reading the blog of a friend of mine, and she did the bookshelf tag from another blog, which you can visit here. Since I love reading, I sorta totally wanted to do this, so here's the tag. Also, you can learn a lot about a person from the books they read. I would post pictures, but I'm super tired/lazy.

The Bookshelf Tag~

Describe your bookshelf (or wherever it is you keep your books- it doesn't have to be a shelf!) and where you got it from:

Well, I've had my bookshelf for as long as I can remember. It was just a shelf we had in the house, and eventually it became mine and my brothers.

Do you have any special or different ways of organizing your books?

Sorta. I like to keep them tallest to shortest. But somehow I organized my Harry Potter books backwards. I'm so used to them that way, that I don't have the heart to make them go the other way. So they remain backwards to this day. I don't intent on changing that either.

What's the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf??

Either Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, or The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories. I'm not sure which.

What's the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf?

Probably Black Star, Bright Dawn.

Is there a book you received as a birthday gift for Christmas gift?

Yaaassss... Sereina got me The Diary of Olga Romanov for Christmas last year, and it's seriously one of the best books in the history of ever.

What's the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?

Again, Black Star, Bright Dawn.

Most expensive book?

To be honest I have no idea, though I'd guess my New Encyclopedia of the Horse.

The last book you read on your shelf?

Mary, Queen of Scots. I'm sort of obsessed with the Royal Diaries series, since it's what got me so interested in history. I'm constantly re-reading those books.

Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read?

Um... probably the book Annie Oakley I guess.

Do you have more than one copy of a book?

I used to have two Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban books, but then I gave the extra away.

Do you have the complete series of any books series?

Sadly... no... Unless you count The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories. It's just one book, but it has all the Sherlock Holmes stories in it. So I suppose I do in a way, but that hardly seems like it should count...

What's the newest addition to your bookshelf?

I think that would have to be Elisabeth, the Princess Bride but I could be wrong. I recently bought a whole bunch of Royal Diary books that I got constantly from the library.

What book has been on your shelf FOREVER?

I can't pin it down exactly, but probably like The Wild Mustang or maybe Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West. Can you tell I like horses?

What's the most recently published book on your shelf?

Well that's tough. I'm not usually into newer books, so my most recently published one would have to be... Okay, sorry. I have no idea.

The oldest book on your shelf (as in, the actual copy is old)?

Ha! This one I can answer! At Goodwill I bought this book published in the early 1900's or something called Steeldust, the Story of a Horse. It's a very interesting book that's borderline boring. But still interesting if you like hard core cowboy stories.

A book you won?

I have never won a book before. And if I did, it'd probably be a book I wouldn't like anyway.

A book you'd hate to let out of your sight (aka a book you never let someone borrow)?

That's basically all my books. But seriously, I would probably never let anyone borrow The Misadventures of Maude March. It's one of my all time favorites.

Most beat up book?

All my books are actually in really good condition because I can't stand to let my books get beat up. But because I got it second hand, I'd say Steeldust is probably my most beat up. After all, it's approximately one hundred years old, give or take a few decades.

Most pristine book?

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories.

A book from your childhood?

Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West

A book that's not actually your book?

Technically my copy of Elisabeth, Red Rose of the House of Tudor isn't mine. It was on the everybody shelf in the house. But since I love that one so much I just sorta... took it... no one's really noticed...

A book with a special/different cover (e.g. leather bound, soft fuzzy cover, etc.)?

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories is a leather bound book. Steeldust's cover is an odd one, since it's old. Otherwise they're all basic books. Though I do have an extremely uncommon edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

Book that's been on your shelf the longest that you STILL haven't read?

The Upstairs Room.

A book that is your favorite color?

My version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a pretty dark blue color, and I really love that shade of blue.

Any signed books?

I wish, but no. I'd love for The Misadventures of Maude March to be signed, and basically all my other books as well.

This was a really fun tag! A few of the questions ended up being the same book too. Don't think that doesn't mean I don't have many books! I mean, I don't really have that many books. But I have a fair amount.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring = Horse Hair

Yesterday was the first day of Spring, and what a glorious start to the warmer weather it was. I started off the day by going to the theater to see Cinderella. I really liked it, though it wasn't like, super amazing kind of good. That's actually kind of a good thing, cause that's the part of Frozen I don't like. The hype of how popular it is. It was kind of cool, because it was like every version of Cinderella mixed into one. I saw some Ever After parallels, some Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella parallels. It was just awesome. Oh yes, Frozen Fever was actually really good and hilarious. I wont spoil anything, but it was really good.

The other night Tiana and I watched the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie. My thoughts? Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, Roul's hair was so ugly I couldn't even look at him! When I first saw him I just sorta fell forward and just kept saying ew. So he got the nickname of Ew. Or Lois, since his hair resembled Lois Lanes. The actress who played Christine... well. She can't act. Basically the entire time she had a derp face, so that's her nickname. Erik couldn't act while singing, and he can't sing that great. All his songs lacked that deep emotion I'm used to from the 25th. Oh, and the set for Past the Point of No Return looked like Isengard. Like seriously, I was just waiting for Orcs to be born and come dancing on stage! Okay, not really. But it did look like Isengard. While we were watching I also somehow managed to cough and sneeze at the same time. It was really weird.

Back on topic of the first day of Spring. Yesterday was the first time I worked with horses for five years. I've been emailing with this barn, and I finally visited to see if I could work for lessons. So spur of the moment, I was left at All Starr Stables (yes, two r's) to help out. I mucked out Molly and Percy's stalls, filled their water buckets, bushed a few horses, and just generally helped out when needed. I spent three hours there, and by the time I left I was covered in mud, manure, and horse hair (it's shedding season). It was glorious. My whole body ached, and still does, from all the work. But it's offical! I earned my first lesson, and will be going to the stable every Monday and whatever day we work out so I can work and get lessons. I'm so excited! This is what I've been waiting for for five years. More like my whole life, but especially for the past five years since I had to stop lessons due to lack of money. But you know what? It was all worth it in an oddly twisted way. It only makes me appreciate every second even more. If I had gotten everything right away, it would just be more normal, instead of insanely special.

Today I went out to buy some proper boots for around the stable. Yesterday I was only wearing running shoes, and they got rather muddy. Usually shopping trips last for hours, and we can't find anything. But I bought the first pair of boots I tried on! They're really nice black ones, perfect for working around the barn and riding. It's important to have a small heel, so your foot doesn't slip through the stirrup. Plus they need to be durable for the mud. It rained off and on all yesterday, so it was really muddy in the paddocks and runs. I can't wait to officially try them out this Monday! It's practically all I can think about.

I'm obsessed with the cover Peter Hollens did of the song Home. It's kind of amazing. Oh, and his Epic Disney Medley, and his Pirates of the Caribbean Medley. I wish the Gardiner Sisters would do a full cover of the Jolly Sailor Bold song. It's so mysterious and awesome, I just want to listen to that small part over and over again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patricks Day

It's a new week, and so that means three new songs added to my collection. My latest song obsession's are all by Peter Hollens. This week I got Misty Mountains by Peter Hollens, as well as The Hanging Tree (ironic that I like that song) by Peter Hollens, as well as Trust but Verify from the Arrow soundtrack. That soundtrack... oh my gosh it's the best soundtrack since ever! Speaking of Arrow, it's returning from hiatus tomorrow! I have mixed feelings about that, since the Producer said someone's gonna die. Ug. Oh, and the Flash returns tonight! Big developments are happening in the Flash, and I'm exciting to see if Daniel and I are right. We think *spoilers-ish* that Dr. Well's is not Reverse Flash, but probably Hunter Zoloman. It's... a long story. But one that makes so much more sense than him being Reverse Flash. It just wouldn't work that great with how they've set up the characters. It's just not right... One thing's for sure, I definitely don't think Well's is Barry from the future. While there's a realistic timeline for it, I don't think that'd be quite right.

Yesterday I got to see a Trader Joe's silent film that I won. It was a German silent film called People on Sunday. Needless to say, it was not the best thing ever. It was actually kind of boring and rather confusing at times. But it was also really interesting, because you got to see how people lived just a few short years before Hitler came to power. For the music they had one guy on the Wurlitzer Organ. It was a crazy instrument that is basically a one man orchestra. Before the silent film he played a few songs to warm up, and I was like, "come on, play Phantom of the Opera!" and guess what? He played Music of the Night! It was so cool. Ahh... I cannot wait until May 1st, which I will see Phantom. That's also the day Age of Ultron comes out, and I'd like to go to the Midnight Premiere, or at least very soon after.

Today is St. Patricks Day! I didn't realise it was today until last night. I don't really have any green clothing, so I'm wearing a beaded daisy chain bracelet that I made a year or so ago. And so I am surviving another St. Patricks Day...

I haven't done any writing today. Mostly because I'm starting to prepare for Camp NaNo. Originally I was going to do The Shadow, since it's my second most plotted out novel. But I couldn't help myself, and now I'm going to start my Rocha Island re-write. I'm excited to get started on it. April here I come! For Heart of Fire I'm currently at 20,823 words, but I'm hoping to get a little writing done today. Depending on how my week goes I might be able to hit 25,000 by Friday, though I'm going to be busy working on my secret project, which I still cannot say anything about yet. We'll see how things go.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Sea of Darkness

Oh my gosh I'm so excited! HerInteractice released a photo from their soon to be newest game, Sea of Darkness! It was on a ship; the captain's quarters. I really know very little about the game, but it looks like it's going to be amazing! I think the official trailer comes out on the nineteenth, so I'm really excited for that!

Today was another meeting for the super secret project I'm apart of. I can say anything, but lets just say things are starting to happen! There's much for me to do, and I can't wait to get started. I'll give more details when we go public.

I'm almost over my sickness. Mostly I just cough now and then, with no other problems. In a day or two I think I'll be completely better, which will feel great. Getting sick is never fun, but since I always get bad coughs every time I get sick, it's especially annoying after a while.

My word count is currently at 18,484 words total for my novel. I wrote another 3,000 words yesterday. I feel so proud of myself! The other day I looked up the word count for the Harry Potter novels, so I could have a basis for how large my novels will be depending on word count. The first book was around 75,000 words long, so I figure that's a nice minimum figure for my books since that's a decent size. I really have no idea how long Heart of Fire will be in the end, but my goal is right around there, if not longer. Already I've thought of how I'm going to be editing and changing things. If someone were to read my work right now, there are quite a few places they would become confused and frustrated. This is why it's best not to expect perfection from the first draft, and also why it's probably best to keep the first draft to yourself until you work out all the kinks.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daylight Savings? More Like Daylight Losings...

Today I cut my finger. I was out filling holes around the chicken coop, and I accidentally rammed my finger against a sharp bit of it. I'm not really sure where. All I know is that is hurts, and typing with speed of any kind is tough.

Daylight savings has really thrown me off. I already have a hard time getting up early as it is. Now it's even worse. I mean, what is the point of daylight savings anyways? Some states, like Arizona, don't do it. I vote we get rid of daylight savings.

I feel really accomplished. Yesterday I wrote 3,000 words for Heart of Fire. Yes, 3,000! I haven't written that much in a day since NaNoWriMo! I just kept finding myself gravitated back to the screen to write. Today I've written only about 400 words, but it's been that kind of day. Now I've found my writing groove, and it's glorious. Things are happening that I didn't plan in the plot, yet it's still headed in the right direction which is good. I feel my writing improving, so while it'll definitely need editing, it's not going to be as bad as the first few chapters.

Dang, I cannot stop coughing. Because of that, last night was a nightmare. I couldn't sleep because I kept coughing, and I woke up multiple times in the night. Then I had a Misophonia related dream that sent me into a complete rage when I woke up. So I ended up making myself a bowl of cereal at four in the morning. Oh, and I ate a frozen waffle. It was actually good that way though. Finally I woke up, and it was super late and I was rushing around trying to get stuff done. I would definitely rate that as one of, if not my worst, night ever. It's really close to our Canada trip, and it was so burning hot in the hotel that I couldn't sleep.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

I Actually Won Something

Yesterday was Sereina's 21st birthday! This is how the day went: first she opened presents, then after a little while we went to Trader Joe's, Half-Price Books, and the Disney store. Then we got home, have dinner, watched Psych, then when it got dark, had cake. I think she made very good birthday choices. While at the Disney store I bought the Mulan doll. Surprisingly, I actually like dolls a little bit. It's best when they're from favorite Disney movies though. I've always loved miniature houses.

While at Trader Joe's we learned more about this movie thing they were doing. While at the Paramount to see R&H Cinderella we saw a movie poster. It was advertising German silent films hosted by Trader Joe's. Well, yesterday we learned they were raffling off tickets (I think you know where this is going). Tiana and Daddy entered, so I decided, heck, why not. Not like I ever win anything anyways. This morning my Mom was like, "Alina, phone!" I was really confused because nobody calls me. My first thought was that the bank was calling again. I don't really like phone calls, but obviously I had to pick up. Turns out I won two tickets to the Paramount! I'll be seeing the silent film next Monday, and because I'm a raffle winner I get VIP seating and such. I'm not sure exactly what all is included. I don't know where that seating is, but it's bound to be good. I'm so excited! Once again I'm off to the Paramount! Who'd have thought that?

I'm still sick, though I didn't feel quite as bad when I woke up this morning. I had a head cold, so most of the time everything sounds filtered; and I'm coughing like crazy. Whenever I get sick, there's always a period during it when I cough and it's the most annoying thing ever. I'm really noisy, and it's also painful because sometimes my throat hurts. Sneezing is just awkward as well.

Today was spent almost entirely at the duplex. We were packing more stuff away, and tearing up a ridiculous amount of bills and credit card information. You know, the kind of stuff you get monthly? Well, turns out grandpa kept every singe one of those. All the way back to 2003 at the earliest. But overall it was fun, and afterwards he went out for dinner. I got pizza, which was amazing.

Oh yeah, this morning we accidentally started watching the Incredibles. Sereina got a digital version or something and just put it on. Next thing I know, we're watching it. Originally I was okay with the movie. Not great, not bad. Now I find that I really like it! I'm rather excited for the second one, though it'll be a while before it comes out in theaters, let alone DVD.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Am Sick

As usual a new week means new music downloads. This week I discovered a few new songs of Peter Hollens available, and I got them immediately. First was his cover of The Last Goodbye, which I'm completely obsessed with. Secondly is the Song of the Lonely Mountain. I actually don't know how recent it is, but I listened to it and fell in love with it. Now I really need to listen to the original version. For my last download I continued getting the Arrow soundtrack, of which I have about half.

I've started writing a post about the Romanovs! It's centered around the Ipatiev House, and so far is quite interesting to research. I have no idea when it'll be complete, and will release no information have the direct content of the post. I'll keep you guys waiting. Lets just said, I've found some interesting stuff about the basement where the Romanov's were killed.

For the past few days, ever since the night I saw Cinderella, I've been feeling pretty bad. I have a sore throat and cough, and because of the coughing my chest and head hurt. Not that great. I'm not really a person who likes to take medicine of any kind either, though I have been considering gargling salt water for relief. Another seemingly wonderful way to get relief from a sore throat is just swallowing a spoonful of honey. Tastes good and all, right? No. Not for me. I can't really explain it, but swallowing that much of a sweet substance... I don't know. It's just repulsive. So usually I just suffer through it, but I don't like being sick. To be honest, I feel as if I haven't been sick for over a year. While that's probably not entirely true, I know I haven't gotten sick in a really long time.

It's official guys! In approximately a month Daniel and I will be moving into the bigger room which is currently the office. Now Daniel and I really need to pick a good wall color. We're thinking a shade of light blue. That'll be tough though, because while blue is my favorite color, most shades of light blue aren't that pretty to me. I'm more partial to darker colors, but a dark wall color will make the room feel smaller, so we're opting to keep the color lighter.

I'm at 7,406 words in Heart of Fire. These past few days I haven't been writing, so I finally did some today. I'll try and give a word count update on each post, that way it'll motivate me to have actual progress to show day to day. Or post to post that is. I don't exactly post everyday.

I'm really scared for the next episode of Arrow. The director said that someone is going to die. Some think it'll be *spoilers-ish* Lance, others think Roy (please no!) and for some reason some people think maybe Diggle. While Laurel is on the upswing, I still wouldn't mind her death. But we know that isn't going to happen. I kind of doubt Roy will die, I mean he just got his suit this season. Why build him up just to die so soon? Lance seems the obvious choice for many reasons. Some say maybe Merlin will die. For real this time.  Just please, don't kill Roy, Thea, Felicity, Diggle, or Lance. But if I had to choose one, it'd be Lance. He hasn't been quite the same since his heart condition, but I still love his character all the same.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir Carl Alexander Francoir Reginald Lancealot Herman Gregory James

IT. WAS. AMAZING. Yesterday I saw Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella and it was so incredible I can't even begin to describe it. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
Nearing the Paramount (yes, I took this

My morning was actual spent quite busy, since the show wasn't until five in the afternoon. But finally the time came and we were rushing out the door. As soon as I stepped into the car I asked Tiana jokingly, "You got the tickets, right?" Turns out, she didn't. We almost drove all the way to the Paramount without our tickets to the show. That was such a relief that we remembered them. Than after pulling out of the driveway I remembered I needed my phone. So I ran and got that before we were truly on our way. Sorta. We had to stop for gas, and I got to fill up the tank for the first time. That was interesting. Anyways, finally we were on our way. To pass the time Tiana and I played the Alphabet game, which I'm terrible at. I actually won though! Barely.

Finally we arrived, driving all around the city looking for parking. When we got to the building Mamma and Daddy dropped us off, since it was just her and I. We got there an hour early, since it was our first show and didn't want any problems. The place was like a small castle. It was so pretty! We were directed up three sets of stairs, since our seats were on the third mezzanine. We were told where our seats would be, but weren't allowed in until a half an hour before. So we decided to check out the merchandise. Of course it was all extremely expensive. I was poor, so didn't get anything. Tiana got a shirt (we know what she'll be wearing a lot!) and a... dang. I forgot what it's called. But it's filled with pictures from the original cast, which is Tiana's favorite. Program! That's it. Mostly we wandered around until it was time. Tiana asked about the stage door for after the show, so we could try and get autographs. It was then we learned that the Paramount has tours every first Saturday of the month, they go everywhere, including under the stage! I totally want to go to that. Finally we just sat just outside the area where we'd be taking our seats for the show.
awesome gif!
Not my gif, and also not the exact
costume change I saw. But you get the idea
The attendants let everyone take their seat a half an hour before the show. A man showed Tiana and I to our seats, which were just beside the stairs. And so the waiting began. Tiana and I debated on how Paige Faure's (Ella) last name should be pronounced. The more people who came in, the noisier it got. A lot of little girls in Disney Cinderella dresses came, and apparently Tiana saw one or two in Elsa dresses. Finally the lights dimmed, there was an announcement about turning off your phone, and the show began. All through the show I really wanted to sneak a picture or two, but decided not. There were attendants right near where we sat, and I didn't want to disrupt anything. The first act lasted an hour, and it was great! There was way more humor in the show than I was expecting, was it perfect because I always love a good laugh. I had a basic idea of how the first act would go. Cinderella's first dress change was amazing! I knew it was coming up when the song Impossible started playing, but I didn't know exactly when, so I was bracing myself for it the entire time. The first dress change was a little different than at the Tony's, but still incredible.

At the end of the first act it seemed like everybody got out of their seats for a bathroom break. The halls were so crowded. But the lines moved quickly, and though I'm pretty sure intermission was originally supposed to be only ten minutes, it lasted about twenty. But that's all right, I mean they probably needed that time for everyone to get back to their seats. The paramount is so huge. There were large indents in the ceiling, and I noted to Tiana that the ledges around the indents were big enough for someone to hide in. Or get stuck in. That would be terrifying. Back on topic though, after intermission the lights dimmed again and the show started once more.

A picture I took during intermission. See, the place is huge.
I knew very little about act two. All I really knew was that Cinderella and the Prince would live happily ever after. Speaking of which, Prince Topher's full name (without an actual title except Your Royal Highness) is His Royal Highness Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir Carl Alexander Francois Reginald Lancelot Herman Gregory James. I mean, that's without an end title like, son of king whatever his name is, of the house whatever, and all that jazz. It's really funny actually. During the song in act one when they sing his whole name to announce that he's giving a ball, he's in the background like, "are you really going to say my full name? Please don't. It's embarrassing."

There were a total of three dress changes on stage during the show. First into the white ballgown, then out of the white ballgown. She ran back to her home, and her stepmother was about to come in the door when she raced by the fireplace. It was just sucked off her, fancy hair and all, and there she was in her work dress. There was actual a nice step sister, who was in love with a peasant, and she figured out who Ella really was really quickly. As in she figured out she was the girl at the ball. But she kept it a secret. When the prince threw a banquet to get Cinderella to come the step sister, Gabriella, faked feeling sick so she could be with the guy she liked, and Ella could use her dress. Obviously the stepmother found out and the dress was torn. But Crazy Marie, Ella's fairy god mother, fixed all that. She turned the rags into a new dress. I was so distracted when Ella threw a rag in the air and I halfway missed as she changed from the completely shredded pink dress into a gold one. And so Ella was off to the ball! - Rodgers + Hammerstein's "Cinderella" Features a New Book by Douglas Carter Beane and New Songs -   Andy Jones and Paige Faure star as Prince Topher and Cinderella in “Cinderella” (photo © Carol Rosegg)  The First National Tour of the award-winning 2013 Broadway production of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella will play the eight enchanted evening and matinee performances on
Paige Faure and Andy Jones, the cast we saw last night!
That's right folks, this is not my photo
There were some really funny parts in act two. Like when Ella got to the ball and Gabriella was there, she raced over begging Gabriella not to say her name out loud, so the prince could hear. Gabriella was all like, "Sure, I won't say your name. And I wont ask you abOUT YOUR GOLDEN DRESS." That part was really funny. Then when Cinderella ran away at midnight, again, the prince chased her. Now see, the first time she ran away her shoe came off, but she grabbed it. This second time she ran away, then marched back to leave her show on the stair, before running off. This next bit was probably my favorite part. The prince grabbed the shoe and raced after her, before stopping and looking down at the shoe. He stared at it for like thirty seconds, completely motionless and silent before being like, "oh, YEAH!" and running off stage.

After the show ended everyone was clapping really hard, and everyone came out to bow. When Crazy Marie came on the whole audience started to stand, and moments later the entire show got a standing ovation! My arms hurt from clapping so hard, and Tiana and I might have screamed a little as we clapped. We waited a little bit before leaving, since there was such a rush. Everyone was streaming down the stairs and out the door. Tiana and I headed outside, met up with Mamma and Daddy, then raced to the stage door. It was only a few minutes before actors started coming out!

Here is Tiana and I when we met Paige Faure/Ella, who we of course got an autograph from! She looks so different without a wig on!

Here is Kecia Lewis, who played Crazy Marie, one of my absolute favorites.

My personal favorite out of the entire production, Prince Topher/Andy Jones. Obviously we got his autograph as well. There was one other autograph we got, but I cannot for the life of me remember his name! Darn it. He played the guy that Gabriella liked, if that's any help.

After all the fun we found our car and headed home. Luckily we'd made sandwiches to eat on the way home, cause the show went over dinnertime and I was hungry. I was also really thirsty the entire ride home, and my throat was being all weird so I was coughing every minute or so. I still can't believe I got to see Cinderella, and that it's over already! Now I'm a hundred million more times excited to see Phantom of the Opera, which is two months away now! Tiana and I are conspiring to try and see Wicked this year, and we might be able to. If I can pay her off. It's later in the year, so it's looking like a possibility!

Finally we have my signed playbill and ticket, now framed and hanging on my wall. I would say it's a pretty good start to my broadway collection, don't you?

Overall, yesterday so even better than I imagined. I would completely recommend the show to a friend. My money was well spent, and I would do it all over again. Our seats were good, though next time we know not to do a few things. For starters, try not to be seated near the door. Lots of people, kids mostly, passed in front of our view to use the bathroom. Hm, I guess that was it actually. While our seats were good, it would have been nice to be closer. But who cares, it was all amazing in the end. I give it 5 out of 5 stars!