
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring = Horse Hair

Yesterday was the first day of Spring, and what a glorious start to the warmer weather it was. I started off the day by going to the theater to see Cinderella. I really liked it, though it wasn't like, super amazing kind of good. That's actually kind of a good thing, cause that's the part of Frozen I don't like. The hype of how popular it is. It was kind of cool, because it was like every version of Cinderella mixed into one. I saw some Ever After parallels, some Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella parallels. It was just awesome. Oh yes, Frozen Fever was actually really good and hilarious. I wont spoil anything, but it was really good.

The other night Tiana and I watched the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie. My thoughts? Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, Roul's hair was so ugly I couldn't even look at him! When I first saw him I just sorta fell forward and just kept saying ew. So he got the nickname of Ew. Or Lois, since his hair resembled Lois Lanes. The actress who played Christine... well. She can't act. Basically the entire time she had a derp face, so that's her nickname. Erik couldn't act while singing, and he can't sing that great. All his songs lacked that deep emotion I'm used to from the 25th. Oh, and the set for Past the Point of No Return looked like Isengard. Like seriously, I was just waiting for Orcs to be born and come dancing on stage! Okay, not really. But it did look like Isengard. While we were watching I also somehow managed to cough and sneeze at the same time. It was really weird.

Back on topic of the first day of Spring. Yesterday was the first time I worked with horses for five years. I've been emailing with this barn, and I finally visited to see if I could work for lessons. So spur of the moment, I was left at All Starr Stables (yes, two r's) to help out. I mucked out Molly and Percy's stalls, filled their water buckets, bushed a few horses, and just generally helped out when needed. I spent three hours there, and by the time I left I was covered in mud, manure, and horse hair (it's shedding season). It was glorious. My whole body ached, and still does, from all the work. But it's offical! I earned my first lesson, and will be going to the stable every Monday and whatever day we work out so I can work and get lessons. I'm so excited! This is what I've been waiting for for five years. More like my whole life, but especially for the past five years since I had to stop lessons due to lack of money. But you know what? It was all worth it in an oddly twisted way. It only makes me appreciate every second even more. If I had gotten everything right away, it would just be more normal, instead of insanely special.

Today I went out to buy some proper boots for around the stable. Yesterday I was only wearing running shoes, and they got rather muddy. Usually shopping trips last for hours, and we can't find anything. But I bought the first pair of boots I tried on! They're really nice black ones, perfect for working around the barn and riding. It's important to have a small heel, so your foot doesn't slip through the stirrup. Plus they need to be durable for the mud. It rained off and on all yesterday, so it was really muddy in the paddocks and runs. I can't wait to officially try them out this Monday! It's practically all I can think about.

I'm obsessed with the cover Peter Hollens did of the song Home. It's kind of amazing. Oh, and his Epic Disney Medley, and his Pirates of the Caribbean Medley. I wish the Gardiner Sisters would do a full cover of the Jolly Sailor Bold song. It's so mysterious and awesome, I just want to listen to that small part over and over again.

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