
Monday, December 15, 2014

Another Goal

So when I listen to music 9 times out of 10 I've got earbuds. Due to my misophonia I now use my dad's noise cancelling earbuds, so I can also block out trigger sounds at times. I also keep my music very loud, cause that's how I like it. So it's pretty hard for people to get my attention. Most of the time they wave frantically to catch my eye, though Tiana has taken to shouting things such as, DOCTOR WHO! SHERLOCK! ARROW! FLASH! BARRY ALLEN! NINE! TEN! ELEVEN! Somehow those always seem to catch my attention best, though I honestly don't hear anyone talking most of the time.

Yesterday morning I woke up with an extremely stiff neck and it made my head ache. Luckily after my shower it loosened up a bit, but it's still ached on and off throughout the day. Speaking of yesterday, the Christmas party was yesterday. It was fun, and from the white elephant exchange I got an Epsom salt thing. I gave that to Mamma, and in the end I got the recipe box that Daniel got. My plans are to repaint it and use it for... something. I don't know yet; I just really like boxes though. I have no use for them, but I love glass bottles and boxes. You could say I collect them.

So I was writing Heart of Fire, and I kept making a bunch of new characters. A group that live together. I kept getting them mixed up, so I went to Pinterest and got lots of pictures, and since they're minor-ish characters just wrote a mini bio and voila! By making this new group of characters my story has been added on to quite considerably, and given the character a much larger drive to do what she must.

A while back we got a bunch of peppermint bark, which is my favorite, but because of sugar I haven't had any. Yesterday and today I finally caved, and had some. I figure I'll let myself slide a little around the holidays. My plan though is to start eating a lot healthier, i.e. cut out most bread and snacking and replace them with vegetables, and then I can justify more small sugar cheats. Because sometimes you just can't resist a sugary treat, and if I'm eating better I'll feel better about having it.

Daniel and I have been talking about listening to audio books together for quite some time, and today we're hopping to actually start. Originally we started with the idea that we would listen to Artemis Fowl, and while I want to read the books I wasn't feeling like reading those stories. So I though, Percy Jackson and the Olympian's is said to be good! Unfortunately I can't get the audio book today, but I'm on hold for it on Overdrive, and will hopefully be listening to it soon. In the meantime I'll have to try and convince Daniel to listen to The Westing Game. I read it years ago and loved it, so I want to read it again and see what I think.

Recently I said that I'm officially going to save up for a really nice keyboard, and I am, but now I'm going to be saving up for another thing. This one is extremely long term, and something I'm very passionate about. Starting now ten percent of each paycheck I receive will go into a fund, in preparation for when I travel to Europe. I figure I'd like to go in my early twenties, and when I do Tiana said she's totally coming; I also hope that I can get a few friends to go when the time comes. It'd be so fun just traveling the entirety of Europe, walking and taking the trains, visiting places. Though I want to just walk around and see what I discover, there are quite a few places that I must go. Such as Versilles, Schonbrunn Palace, The Tower of London, Hatfield House, Chateau Chambord, etc. As many know, I love royal history, so of course I'd want to visit these places. I also want to visit a few places in Russia as well, like the Alexander Palace, The Catherine Palace, etc.

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