
Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I'm going to start off by saying, soon I'm hoping to get up another history post. Probably about the Romanov's in some way, but no promises. I've been working on a few, but things have been busy for me the last few days so I barely have time to do anything.

These last few days my mind has been on the verge of exploding what with all the ideas I keep coming up with for Rohca Island. First I made it and my post apocalyptic novel into one book, then I realized how all my main characters are not going to be normal humans, and now I've perfectly though up another character or two who will be introduced into the novel about half way through. Gah, things are crazy! I'll bet none of that made any sense to you what so ever.

That's it. I'm convinced someone is going to die on Arrow soon. They haven't even quite returned from hiatus but I'm so positive. Twice on the Facebook page they mentioned death. The first time they hinted the death to be... well.. Ray's... Oh but they'd better not.

Yesterday and today I did a little drawing. I haven't drawn in a while, and while it's a nice hobby it's not something I've ever gotten very good at. The drawings turned out nicely though. It was a nice change from just coloring. That's how I started drawing. I couldn't find any good coloring sheets, so I decided to draw a Celtic wolf design thingy. They're tough, but fun to do. Maybe sometime I'll have to post my drawings.

I've really been wanting to re-watch the Harry Potter movies lately, so I ordered the first one from the library today. Listening to the soundtrack makes me extremely happy. There's the quality to it, like none other. Sure, I really love a lot of soundtracks and all, but this one gives me chills. It has an eerily fun quality, and the overall story is just amazing. I am a love of both the movies and books. After all, they did amazingly in the movies, considering they had to fit each entire book into a two and a half hour movie. When you think about it, it's quite impressive. Sometime I'll have to re-read the books as well. They're so good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited to see how Rocha Island will turn out for you. It's been fun to see how the plot is developing from one thing to another.
