
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Something to Look Forward To

About a month ago our family decided something. For about three, four years now we've been on a serious spending freeze. We haven't gone on vacation in a while, and barely got to go to Oregon last year. Basically we stay home and don't go out. But this is year two of Trebon, and things are really starting to look up. While this isn't for sure, we've decided to act as though it will happen no matter what, but we're planning on going on a Disney Cruise in March 2016. I'm really excited, and I think having something set more than just, if we can, really helps. This year, we're also very likely going camping, which is something I've missed the last few years. Camping is the best.

For years now I've wanted a good camera. I've got a little silver point and shoot, but the picture quality is beyond terrible. So now that I've got a good paying job I'm going to get a really nice camera. My budget is around four hundred to five hundred dollars, so it'll be a while before I save up enough. All yesterday and this morning I was looking at different cameras. So far I have three contenders, but will almost positively go with the Canon PowerShot SX50 HS. It doesn't have changeable lenses, but it's still an amazing camera. I can't wait until I can finally buy it, or whatever camera I actually decided on. My plan is to have it in time for the Cruise, but hopefully sooner.

Since watching Phantom of the Opera with Tiana for the second time, I've become completely obsessed. I just finished listening to Act II from the 25th anniversary cast, which is my favorite. The music is just so amazing! I'm planning on reading the book soon. Also, it's only twelve days until Tiana and I go and see Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella on Broadway! That is going to be so exciting! Then it's only a few more months until we see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, which now that I'm even more into it, will be ten times more exciting! The Overture is my favorite song, and in the production we're seeing the chandelier swings from the stage and over the audience! Gah, it's going to be so epic. Then of course I cannot stop listening to Wicked, which is amazing. Someday I'm gonna see it on Broadway.

For my Gaelic I'm writing everything I learn from Mango Languages into a notebook, which is collage rule and has seventy pages. I was looking at it today, and I'm about halfway through the notebook! Already! Seems like I'm just starting. I wonder how much faster I would learn if all this time I was surrounded completely by the language. I'll admit, practicing alone takes it's tole, but at least I'm not learning the world's hardest language, Chinese! I'm so glad English is my first language. When you really think about it, English is insanely hard. Actually, it's the second hardest language to learn. I used to think it was easy, but it totally isn't.

Ugh, my stomach hurts. Not sure why. It might be something I ate. Oh, and we're having chicken wings for dinner. Fried food on an upset stomach? Ugh, that does not sound appealing.

Brunuh Ville released a new song, Song of the North. It's eleven minutes long, but I love it! Yet another vocal with Sharm, one of my favorite singers. It kind of goes along with the song King of the North, just a tad.

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