
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day

Just thought I'd make a quick post before bed, seeing as it's Valentines day and all. Actually, I didn't even realize it was Valentines day until I saw peoples' posts on Facebook. We've never really celebrated the holiday before, so for our family it's pretty much just another day. Way back when, Valentines day was celebrated to honor the saint, Saint Valentine. I don't really know much about the story, just what little tidbits I've read whilst doing history research.

We just finished watching Maleficent. I saw it in theaters, but Daniel and Daddy had not. I really like the movie. Since watching it the first time I've found that Elle Fanning (Aurora) is just how I imagined my character Madeleine from my story Believe. Visually, that is. So it was kind of cool watching her in a movie, after casting her as my character in my head.

This morning after waking up I heard the chickens making lots of noise in the backyard. Apparently we've got a coyote visiting again. He was seen around the chicken coop that morning, evidently interested in our hens. My mom scared him away just by stepping outside. Then later I was on Daddy's computer, and the chickens started at it again. I stepped outside in time to see the coyote trot away, jumping casually over the fallen log and into the brush. Before he disappeared he turned around to stare at me. He was so cute! It makes me want a dog, preferably a German Shepherd or Husky, and I just wanted to go pet him and cuddle him. Obviously that was never gonna happen. I made a tiny, tiny noise and he turned around and we haven't seen him since. A part of me wants to see the coyote again, but the other half doesn't. He, or I guess maybe she, would have definitely gotten one of the chickens if they'd been roaming in the yard that morning. Thank goodness they weren't.

You know how when someone asks the age old question, if you could have one superpower, what would it be, and you can never quite decide? Well, it's taken me some time, but without a second thought if I could pick one it'd be flying. So what if I'm afraid of heights. I've had so many dreams where I could fly, and they felt so real. Course, it was really frustrating. In most of the dreams I was being chased, and flying was an odd and complex thing. But dreaming of having the power is almost like having memories of flying. So that would be the first superpower I'd get, and if I could get another it would no doubt be breathing underwater. That used to be my first pick, but you can only use it in water. Flying you could use anytime.

So much for a short post before bed. Oh well, as I wrote I slowly remembered things that have been on my mind lately. Now I'm going to sleep. My back hurts a little, probably from the chair and position I was in all during the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! You saw Maleficent! I'm glad you liked it. Disney is definitely going in a new direction with the whole "true love" thing.

    I've always thought it would be awesome to be able to read people's thoughts. At the same time, I don't know if I would want to know what people thought of me. :) I would have to say that flying would be my choice. It's just...the wind in my face, the clouds beneath me...that would be amazing.
