
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Queen of the Soup?

One of our most common dinners is chicken noodle soup, which I enjoy. But sometimes we have it a little too much. Most of the time Sereina cooks it, and I've only made it like three times. When I made if a few weeks ago everyone was blow away by my mad skill. My dad has proclaimed that only I shall make soup. Perhaps I'll call myself the King of the Soup from now on. Only thing is, I hope I can recreate what I did the first time.

I think I've just about got the pronunciation down for Let it Go in French. Now it's on to memorization! It's so much easier to find resources for practicing French, versus Scottish Gaelic. I'm going to have to be very diligent in practicing Gaelic, since it's so easy to get caught up in French songs and watching movies in French and things. I've been trying to think up ways to practice my Gaelic, since I have no one to practice with in person. My best idea so far is making work sheets for myself, to write and read Gaelic. But that would take a lot of work, so I'm trying to think of other ideas. I have some flash cards, but I've basically memorized them all and I haven't made ones with new words and phrases in forever.

Yesterday we stopped by Historic Flight, and out front there was a deer! It was just happily munching on the grass; it's not too often you see deer in such a populated area. There's a busy road right there, and yet the deer was just happily munching the grass like it was in a forest meadow. Reminds me of when I was little, and a deer, and two fauns were in our backyard (I forget, but there might have been a buck as well). We don't live in the country, and the green belt beside our house is too small for the deer to live there. But there they were, happily eating the roses.

I've got a lot to do tomorrow. There's a huge pile of blankets and pillows in the bathroom that need putting away, then Daniel and I need to clean our bathroom, and I still haven't gotten my old desk out of my room. Then of course I've got school, and I'll have to do a few loads of laundry as well. It's going to be a busy day. Hopefully I'll find some time to sit down and watch Tangled in French while beading or something. After I learn For the First Time in Forever in French, I want to learn it's reprise, then some songs from Tangled. Specifically the Healing Incantation. I also want to practice singing Noble Maiden Fair from Brave, the only Disney song in Scottish Gaelic. I already know how, but I want to listen to the song again to make double sure that I'm pronouncing everything correctly. OH! I could watch Brave in French too! I'll have to get it from the library though. Dang, too bad they didn't have Brave in Scottish Gaelic. At least, I doubt they do. How fitting that would be if I they did though...


  1. What have you done? I am obsessed with songs in French now. Especially Let it Go and I See the Light. They sound so cool.
