
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sometimes I Love Nice Weather

You know what the best part about having access to the back deck only two feet from my bed is? Waking up, pulling a comfy chair outside, and reading. I've been taking advantage of the nice weather and now it's consumed me. The weather has been so calming lately, and personally it's perfect in the shade. That is why I'm sitting in my awesome, bright orange round chair on the back deck writing this blogpost.

Yesterday, due to my instructors car having broken down, I only stayed at the stable from two thirty to five. Thank goodness too, because it got insanely hot. I don't know the actual temperature it got to, but it was calling for over eighty degrees. Even if it didn't get that hot, I was still dying wearing pants, boots, and socks. But it's so worth it once you're in the saddle. I rode Lacey, and it took a few strides to readjust to her trotting after riding Zoe so much. Also, I never thought I'd see the day that Lacey would be lazy, but even whacking her shoulder repeatedly with the crop didn't urge her into trotting very well. It may have been because of the heat, but we were in a shaded area so it wasn't that bad. Rochelle had me try a new saddle, which was too wide for Lacey. That's saying something. Oh, and while riding my stirrup fell off. Haha, that's a first.

I've been lazy and haven't finished the second chicken run. They have one, very large one, so it's not a huge problem right now. I'll just have to find the time when the sun isn't burning down the village. Actually, speaking of the chicken run, it's covered in watermelon rines. We've been getting watermelon a whole lot now that it's cheaper, and the chickens always get the rines. They pick it down fast, and they love it. Except when we throw it and accidentally hit them. Now when we throw food they run for cover, even if it lands nowhere near them.

So now that 841 Films has completed Double-Crossed, we'll be moving on to planning our next film. Hopefully we'll be able to get it finished in a more timely manner. Our first film was bound to take a bit longer, what with it being a group of people who'd never done a serious film before. I'm excited to move forward. I hope we do more fight scenes in the future, because choreographing that fight was fun and I'd like to get better at it. There were a few area's that could have used some help, after seeing them on the big screen. But overall I feel it was a pretty good start.

For 841 Films I'm actually a scriptwriter too, though it's very, very obvious I've got a lot to learn. My first script was... eh, terrible. So now I've decided to read through the Star Wars Episode III script to learn about script writing. It's my favorite of the prequels, and frankly I've seen Four, Five, and Six so many times reading through the script would be almost boring (I have basically all three movies memorized). Oh wait... haha, nevermind. I'm reading The Prisoner of Azkaban script instead. My, how fast I can change my mind.

I may just be starting to get over my fear of spiders a little bit. Since they're all over the barn, I've started to get used to removing their vast webs, which are everywhere. But don't mistake this as being over my fear. They are still little devil creatures whom I wish to have no dealings with.

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