
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sun and Stars

Once again, most of this post is going to be about music. Partially because I found the son Roots by Imagine Dragons, and I'm obsessed with it. I love the tune so much!

Another exciting thing is, I've finally finished my first original composition, and I'm actually kinda of happy with how it turned out. Granted, it's totally got room for improvement. But here it is!

So yeah, that's my big news! I'm really excited to have launched my official YouTube account, and I hope to upload new music regularly-ish. Honestly I can't promise anything. But lately I've been accidentally coming up with new tunes, so who know what could happen? Yeah, I'm still kinda freaking out about this. I can't believe I actually made this. I kinda think the violin and viola drown out the piano a little too much, but I suppose it sounds fine. My favorite part is either the build up or the very, very end.

The part I like about the song the most, it that it reminds me of two of my characters whom I ship hard. The song name is the same as the working title for book two actually.

OKAY freaking out here, a stranger liked and commented and subscribed to my video! Ahh, I can't believe it; that's sooo cool all I wanna do it make music!

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