
Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Big Reveal

Okay guys, I can finally reveal the super secret project I've been going on about for months. Without further adieu, I give you Double-Crossed!

Us and a few other families came together many months ago with the intent to make a film. Our original idea was a much larger film, and the longer we planned the more screen time we needed to fully tell the story. So we downsized to a much smaller film, and this is what happened!

This was my first time working on a larger, more serious film. Sure, I've done short films in the past, but those didn't have nearly as much planning. It was a lot of fun.

I was the fight choreographer, though I couldn't have done it without the help of Elie and Evangeline. At the beginning I knew very little of any actual fighting, but I wanted to choreograph the fight scene. So they taught me what they knew, and what you see in the film is the result.

It was an amazingly fun project, and I learned so much, and I think it turned out great! Discussions for our next film have already started, and we hope to finish this next one faster than our first. Given that we now have more experience in filmmaking, I think it will go smoother. We'll only get better.

So leave a comment and tell me what you thought of the film! Feedback is always greatly appreciated!


  1. Wow! Y'alls film-making has greatly improved! I can tell that y'all were paying close attention to detail, and worked very hard on this. Great job! I'm looking forward to seeing upcoming films from 841! Where did that name come from?

    1. It's kind of funny, but 841 stands for Eight kids, four families, one dream. :P Kinda cheesey, but by itself it sounds pretty cool. :P
