1. Thank the blogger[s] who nominated you, linking back to [their] blogs.
Evangeline tagged me; thank ya girl.
2. Put the Award logo on your blog.
Ta-da! Front and center... or, slightly to the right as it were..
3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.It shall be done!
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
This is always, by far the hardest part of being tagged. Somehow I shall push my way through it.
5. Nominate ten blogs.
I actually don't even know ten blogs.
1. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Sorta, kinda, not really. I mean, I was in the car when Sereina had her first fender bender, which by all means was not her fault. It was the other person. But that's about as exciting as it gets, which is fine by me. Not to say I didn't witness someone getting hit by a car. That was freaky.
2. Have you ever danced in the rain?
.....I am now questioning life.... I serious cannot remember if I've done this. My gut is saying both yes and no, which is why I always lose guessing games.
3. Do you trust anyone with your life?
This is an interesting question. Like, besides my family? Because I trust them all completely. I think I'll leave this one halfway answered, cause I never really thought much about that before...
4. What is your perfect pizza?
Gluten free crust, plain and normal tomato sauce, plain and normal cheese, and plain and normal pineapple. I like 98% of my food to be insanely simple.
5. If the TARDIS landed on your front, where would you go first?
BAM 1914! Hands down, that'd be my first request. Straight to Tsarskoye Selo, Russia; the Alexander Palace. I think it'd be amazing to meet the last Tsar of Russia and his family. So yeah, that'd be my first stop of many.
6. What cheers you up when you're having a bad day?
That depends on what type of bad day I'm having. Sometimes chocolate or my favorite food will cheer me up, while other times just curling up with a book and knowing I'm not gonna get interrupted for a while will cheer me up.
7. (I know I shouldn't ask this one, but I'm evil) What is your favorite book? ;)
Yes, you are evil. How is one supposed to answer this question? It's impossible, so even though it says book and not books I'll just sorta list as many that come to mind as I can. Just know, I'm probably forgetting a lot of favorites. The Harry Potter series, Heartland series, Royal Diaries series, The Diary of Olga Romanov, Golden Sovereign, Daughter of Venice, The Green Gables Detectives, Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Misadventures of Maude March and sequel, The Tintin series, American Girl History Mysteries, The Wild Mustang, The Andrea Carter series, The Saddles Stars and Stripes series, Sarah Bishop, The Westing Game, The Dragon Codices, The Shadow Horse duology, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Waggit trilogy, Darkwood, The Sign of the Beaver, and Sing down the Moon. That's all I can think of for now.
8. What is your favorite, and least favorite, word in the English language?
Favorite: Neurological - I love saying this word for some reason. It's just... fun.
Least Favorite: Choreographing - I can never say this word right. I always seem to go for an alternate form that doesn't fit with the structure of my sentence. It's maddening.
9. What is the weirdest thing about yourself?
Hmmmm, time to look through the index... *flips pages* Ah, here we go. I have double jointed shoulders and thumbs. Yeah, that's the best I can come up with.
10. If you could do anything anywhere, what would you do?
I could take this in a lot of different directions. Does this include fictional crazy stuff like riding a dragon (or Gryphon) over Paris? I would do that you know.
and a bonus question: How do you pronounce Gif?
I have looked this up on the internet and found this:
Steve Wilhite, who is accepting a lifetime achievement award at The Webby Awards, told the NY Times how annoyed he was at the debate over the pronunciation of GIF: "The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations. They are wrong. It is a soft 'G,' pronounced 'jif.' -May 22, 2013Multiple sources say this is the true way, and it's how I've always thought it should be pronounced. Now I suppose this could be false information. After all, as the wise Abraham Lincoln once said, "Never trust anything you read on the internet." Wise words, Abe...
Okay, here goes with making my own questions...
1. Marvel or DC?
2. What is your favorite kind of flower?
3. What is your favorite girl name and what is your favorite guy name?
4. If you could automatically know another language, which would it be?
5. Do you generally prefer books or television?
6. Juice, tea, or coffee?
7. What would your dream job be?
8. What is the strangest thing you own?
9. What is your favorite instrument (it doesn't matter if you have, or do, play it)?
10. Which is better, white or brown chocolate?
Well, that's all I could think of. Honestly, other people are always so creative and I can never think of any cool questions.
Now I'm going to tag:
That's basically every blogger I know, except Evangeline, who tagged me. Not ten, but hey, to reach that many I'd have to start tagging random people. That would get awkward.
Love the answers! And I didn't know you'd read the Waggit series!