
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patricks Day

It's a new week, and so that means three new songs added to my collection. My latest song obsession's are all by Peter Hollens. This week I got Misty Mountains by Peter Hollens, as well as The Hanging Tree (ironic that I like that song) by Peter Hollens, as well as Trust but Verify from the Arrow soundtrack. That soundtrack... oh my gosh it's the best soundtrack since ever! Speaking of Arrow, it's returning from hiatus tomorrow! I have mixed feelings about that, since the Producer said someone's gonna die. Ug. Oh, and the Flash returns tonight! Big developments are happening in the Flash, and I'm exciting to see if Daniel and I are right. We think *spoilers-ish* that Dr. Well's is not Reverse Flash, but probably Hunter Zoloman. It's... a long story. But one that makes so much more sense than him being Reverse Flash. It just wouldn't work that great with how they've set up the characters. It's just not right... One thing's for sure, I definitely don't think Well's is Barry from the future. While there's a realistic timeline for it, I don't think that'd be quite right.

Yesterday I got to see a Trader Joe's silent film that I won. It was a German silent film called People on Sunday. Needless to say, it was not the best thing ever. It was actually kind of boring and rather confusing at times. But it was also really interesting, because you got to see how people lived just a few short years before Hitler came to power. For the music they had one guy on the Wurlitzer Organ. It was a crazy instrument that is basically a one man orchestra. Before the silent film he played a few songs to warm up, and I was like, "come on, play Phantom of the Opera!" and guess what? He played Music of the Night! It was so cool. Ahh... I cannot wait until May 1st, which I will see Phantom. That's also the day Age of Ultron comes out, and I'd like to go to the Midnight Premiere, or at least very soon after.

Today is St. Patricks Day! I didn't realise it was today until last night. I don't really have any green clothing, so I'm wearing a beaded daisy chain bracelet that I made a year or so ago. And so I am surviving another St. Patricks Day...

I haven't done any writing today. Mostly because I'm starting to prepare for Camp NaNo. Originally I was going to do The Shadow, since it's my second most plotted out novel. But I couldn't help myself, and now I'm going to start my Rocha Island re-write. I'm excited to get started on it. April here I come! For Heart of Fire I'm currently at 20,823 words, but I'm hoping to get a little writing done today. Depending on how my week goes I might be able to hit 25,000 by Friday, though I'm going to be busy working on my secret project, which I still cannot say anything about yet. We'll see how things go.

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