IT. WAS. AMAZING. Yesterday I saw Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella and it was so incredible I can't even begin to describe it. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
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Nearing the Paramount (yes, I took this photo) |
My morning was actual spent quite busy, since the show wasn't until five in the afternoon. But finally the time came and we were rushing out the door. As soon as I stepped into the car I asked Tiana jokingly, "You got the tickets, right?" Turns out, she didn't. We almost drove all the way to the Paramount without our tickets to the show. That was such a relief that we remembered them. Than after pulling out of the driveway I remembered I needed my phone. So I ran and got that before we were truly on our way. Sorta. We had to stop for gas, and I got to fill up the tank for the first time. That was interesting. Anyways, finally we were on our way. To pass the time Tiana and I played the Alphabet game, which I'm terrible at. I actually won though! Barely.
Finally we arrived, driving all around the city looking for parking. When we got to the building Mamma and Daddy dropped us off, since it was just her and I. We got there an hour early, since it was our first show and didn't want any problems. The place was like a small castle. It was so pretty! We were directed up three sets of stairs, since our seats were on the third mezzanine. We were told where our seats would be, but weren't allowed in until a half an hour before. So we decided to check out the merchandise. Of course it was all extremely expensive. I was poor, so didn't get anything. Tiana got a shirt (we know what she'll be wearing a lot!) and a... dang. I forgot what it's called. But it's filled with pictures from the original cast, which is Tiana's favorite. Program! That's it. Mostly we wandered around until it was time. Tiana asked about the stage door for after the show, so we could try and get autographs. It was then we learned that the Paramount has tours every first Saturday of the month, they go everywhere, including under the stage! I totally want to go to that. Finally we just sat just outside the area where we'd be taking our seats for the show.
The attendants let everyone take their seat a half an hour before the show. A man showed Tiana and I to our seats, which were just beside the stairs. And so the waiting began. Tiana and I debated on how Paige Faure's (Ella) last name should be pronounced. The more people who came in, the noisier it got. A lot of little girls in Disney Cinderella dresses came, and apparently Tiana saw one or two in Elsa dresses. Finally the lights dimmed, there was an announcement about turning off your phone, and the show began. All through the show I really wanted to sneak a picture or two, but decided not. There were attendants right near where we sat, and I didn't want to disrupt anything. The first act lasted an hour, and it was great! There was way more humor in the show than I was expecting, was it perfect because I always love a good laugh. I had a basic idea of how the first act would go. Cinderella's first dress change was amazing! I knew it was coming up when the song Impossible started playing, but I didn't know exactly when, so I was bracing myself for it the entire time. The first dress change was a little different than at the Tony's, but still incredible.
At the end of the first act it seemed like everybody got out of their seats for a bathroom break. The halls were so crowded. But the lines moved quickly, and though I'm pretty sure intermission was originally supposed to be only ten minutes, it lasted about twenty. But that's all right, I mean they probably needed that time for everyone to get back to their seats. The paramount is so huge. There were large indents in the ceiling, and I noted to Tiana that the ledges around the indents were big enough for someone to hide in. Or get stuck in. That would be terrifying. Back on topic though, after intermission the lights dimmed again and the show started once more.
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A picture I took during intermission. See, the place is huge. |
I knew very little about act two. All I really knew was that Cinderella and the Prince would live happily ever after. Speaking of which, Prince Topher's full name (without an actual title except Your Royal Highness) is His Royal Highness Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir Carl Alexander Francois Reginald Lancelot Herman Gregory James. I mean, that's without an end title like, son of king whatever his name is, of the house whatever, and all that jazz. It's really funny actually. During the song in act one when they sing his whole name to announce that he's giving a ball, he's in the background like, "are you really going to say my full name? Please don't. It's embarrassing."
There were a total of three dress changes on stage during the show. First into the white ballgown, then out of the white ballgown. She ran back to her home, and her stepmother was about to come in the door when she raced by the fireplace. It was just sucked off her, fancy hair and all, and there she was in her work dress. There was actual a nice step sister, who was in love with a peasant, and she figured out who Ella really was really quickly. As in she figured out she was the girl at the ball. But she kept it a secret. When the prince threw a banquet to get Cinderella to come the step sister, Gabriella, faked feeling sick so she could be with the guy she liked, and Ella could use her dress. Obviously the stepmother found out and the dress was torn. But Crazy Marie, Ella's fairy god mother, fixed all that. She turned the rags into a new dress. I was so distracted when Ella threw a rag in the air and I halfway missed as she changed from the completely shredded pink dress into a gold one. And so Ella was off to the ball!
There were some really funny parts in act two. Like when Ella got to the ball and Gabriella was there, she raced over begging Gabriella not to say her name out loud, so the prince could hear. Gabriella was all like, "Sure, I won't say your name. And I wont ask you abOUT YOUR GOLDEN DRESS." That part was really funny. Then when Cinderella ran away at midnight, again, the prince chased her. Now see, the first time she ran away her shoe came off, but she grabbed it. This second time she ran away, then marched back to leave her show on the stair, before running off. This next bit was probably my favorite part. The prince grabbed the shoe and raced after her, before stopping and looking down at the shoe. He stared at it for like thirty seconds, completely motionless and silent before being like, "oh, YEAH!" and running off stage.
After the show ended everyone was clapping really hard, and everyone came out to bow. When Crazy Marie came on the whole audience started to stand, and moments later the entire show got a standing ovation! My arms hurt from clapping so hard, and Tiana and I might have screamed a little as we clapped. We waited a little bit before leaving, since there was such a rush. Everyone was streaming down the stairs and out the door. Tiana and I headed outside, met up with Mamma and Daddy, then raced to the stage door. It was only a few minutes before actors started coming out!

Here is Tiana and I when we met Paige Faure/Ella, who we of course got an autograph from! She looks so different without a wig on!

Here is Kecia Lewis, who played Crazy Marie, one of my absolute favorites.

My personal favorite out of the entire production, Prince Topher/Andy Jones. Obviously we got his autograph as well. There was one other autograph we got, but I cannot for the life of me remember his name! Darn it. He played the guy that Gabriella liked, if that's any help.

Finally we have my signed playbill and ticket, now framed and hanging on my wall. I would say it's a pretty good start to my broadway collection, don't you?
Overall, yesterday so even better than I imagined. I would completely recommend the show to a friend. My money was well spent, and I would do it all over again. Our seats were good, though next time we know not to do a few things. For starters, try not to be seated near the door. Lots of people, kids mostly, passed in front of our view to use the bathroom. Hm, I guess that was it actually. While our seats were good, it would have been nice to be closer. But who cares, it was all amazing in the end. I give it 5 out of 5 stars!
THAT SOUNDS SO COOL!!! I am glad you guys had an awesome time. And you got to meet all those actors. Here's hoping that POTO is just as fun. :)