
Thursday, February 18, 2016

All About Riding

Had a killer lesson today. Everything hurts. That is a good thing.

It's funny, every time I think I'm getting a grasp with riding, and maybe I'm getting pretty darn skilled, I realise it's the tip of the iceberg. Like seriously, I'm not even close.

Christina was filling in for Rachelle today, so she was my instructor. She is a killer instructor. First off, I was riding Bright for the first time. He's a big mover, like Lacey and Elie, and very trained like Elie. It was also windy, so he was skittish sometimes.

Anyway, we worked on my equitation big time. I thought I was doing pretty good. Wrong. Perhaps when I first started riding I sat up straight. Maybe never. All I know is, even though I feel straight, I've been learning forward which makes me off balance. First off, that explains why I still haven't gotten the hang of cantering. Second, when I'm using proper equitation I feel like I'm learning backwards. It's very strange. I had to concentrate very hard to keep in proper position, keeping my seat, posting, keeping my shoulders back, sitting tall, etc. So by the time I got off, my legs ached and so did my shoulders, and even my abs. That's really good though. I've never felt it in my abs, because I haven't been engaging them enough. And another thing, when I cantered it was sooooo much easier! When I was using the proper seat I was able to stay in the saddle (still holding on). It was wayyy easier, and if I can work on getting my eq perfect, then cantering will be way easier. After all, when cantering Rachelle is always saying "lean back" like a million times. But then I feel off balance. When in reality I'm off balance when I'm "balanced." Get me? Ahhh, horseback riding is hard.

At one point, Christina took a long crop, and slid it behind my back, and I used my elbows to hold it in place. That really firmed up in my mind how far back my shoulders needed to be. And of course I rode that way for a while (only walking. Maybe I could have handled trotting like that on another horse, but not Bright).

Overall it was such a great lesson, and I officially need to work daily on my posture. Also, I think I seriously want to buy an exercise ball. They're both fun, and can help me work on leg strength and balance. I'm really dedicated to learning to ride, and since I'm only riding once a week now I especially need all the help I can get. And now that I've realise a large factor in what's holding me back, I want to put everything into fixing it.

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