
Monday, October 19, 2015

Hey Hey

Hello. It's me. I'm back again.

I haven't been posting as much, but that's because I've been busy and happy. My life is really great right now.

Thursday was incredible. It's like something clicked in my brain, because I was able to canter Zoe hands free. It's strange, because I've been cantering for a while, though I've had to hold on. But it's like the minute I let go... something changed. It was like flying. Cantering is the most addictive thing, and I haven't felt like that since my lesson on Halli with Veronica. Plus Zoe is super adorable. My favorite thing in the whole world is going into her stall and holding out my hands. She'll sniff around for a treat, and press her entire head against my body, and I'll just rest my chin between her ears. It's just... special. And everytime I put her away, she sticks her nose between the door so I can't close it, because she wants more attention. She's basically the most adorable horse ever. Plus my lesson was amazing because Zoe hardly threw her head, and she responded to me when I told her to put her head down. Rachelle also complimented my riding, telling me that it was an amazing ride and that I've learned a whole lot. It just felt amazing and I couldn't stop smiling. It's times like this that make me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Work has picked up again, which I'm glad about. That keyboard isn't gonna buy itself. Except that I found another keyboard I wanna buy, but it'll probably be a few years before I can get it. It's the Casio Privia PX850 and oh my gosh it's the best thing ever. It's a thousand dollars though, sooo... yeah. Haha, definitely not getting that. But for now, it's my dream piano (other than an actual grand, which would be perfect).

I've started yet another composition. It's kind of completely frustrating me though, because the left hand part keeps messing with my brain, and I know how I want the general sound of the song to go, but it's just not working. So yeah, we'll see how it turns out in the end. As for my other piece Ringing Silence... well, I dunno if I like it anymore. I've heard it about a billion times and now the cello's sound cheesy and the drums ridiculous. Luckily I still like the piano part though.

All my shows have started, and Arrow is officially the most evil thing ever. I mean, I still love it, but man they really topped last seasons intro. See, last season at the end of the first episode they *spoilers!* killed Sara. This season they ended it with a "six months later" with Oliver at a grave of someone who's gonna die, presumably at the end of the season. How dare they!? I'm afraid it'll be Felicity with recent developments. Tiana remembers them saying it was a girl, but if isn't I also fear for Diggle. He cannot die. Oliver needs him. It also better not be Thea. They already killed half my ship don't they dare take the other half! *end of spoilers*

Agents of Shield has already broken my heart, and it's so great to get back to The Flash, even if things are... different. *sniff* The CW knows how to hit hard.

Also, Blake Neely is basically my hero. His soundtracks for Arrow, The Flash, and Flarrow *squee* are so incredible. There are a few songs that just... oh gosh. They're so sad. When I listen to them I don't hear music, I see Oliver and how he's changed from the island and I hear Barry and the pain of his mother dying and his father being locked up for it. I don't hear epic fight music, I see Oliver's skill from years of experience and hard choices, I see Barry's lightning fast speed and I can almost feel the wind in my hair as he runs. It's just... these shows man. I really hope Blake Neely does Legends of Tomorrow. It'll be truly epic if he does. Especially if there's a Legends of Flarrow or whatever they'll call it if they do it. I mean, the first Flarrow got an entire album. I hope each Flarrow gets a new album. Now I'm just waiting for a Zatanna show. Seriously man, a show following Zatanna in her search for her missing father, and bring together raw skill, sciences, and magic? It completes the circle, plus, Cisco would be hilarious with magic. And I mean, Zatanna!


  1. How do you feel about the new Star Wars trailer?

    1. I've watched it about 10 times and I think it's amazing! I got an opening night ticket, and they're already sold out! What did you think?

  2. Oh man, tickets already sold out?
    I liked it. It felt a bit different though, I'm excited to see how it goes.

  3. Oh man, tickets already sold out?
    I liked it. It felt a bit different though, I'm excited to see how it goes.
