♫ All this time I was finding myself ♪
And I didn't know I was lost
Onward to pictures I found on Facebook because otherwise there'd be none! Woo! Also, there are a few of my instagram photos. But mostly I stole them from others 'cause I don't really do much photography. Not yet anyway. Once I finish saving up for a proper camera that will be a different story. Also, I'm putting this in no particular order because that would be chaos. To me at least.

Ah yes, that time Lilly stole Tommy. The first time we totally staged it, but this time I was out front dancing while she snuck into my room and stole him. Good times. I hope your museum is going well Lilly?

BROADWAY TIME! This was a year of many broadway shows and it was MAGICAL.

Meeting ANDY, YEEEAAHHH!! Ahhh that was amazing, I was totally starstruck and couldn't really speak. Also, I'm not good with people, so that probably had something to do with it.. Let's add that to my new year's resolutions. XD



Not entirely sure what's going on here. But I look like Mary just offended my great ancestors or something. XD This was at one of the many parties we had. Not sure which one.

Volunteering at History Flight with the Pleticha's. Man, I've known Elie since... forever pretty much. Not totally sure I remember a time when we didn't know them. XD

Basically Tiana and I in a nutshell. As you can see we get along so well.

This was sometime within the first month or two of when I first arrived at the stable. Back when I couldn't really control Luna. I wonder if I could now...

At the tulip fields. That felt like forever ago... which I suppose it was.

Maybe it's just me, but I can totally see how I didn't entirely know what I was doing here. XD Good gosh I need to bend my elbows a little more. And lean back a little more. And engage my core. Hehe, I've learned a bit since then.

Awwww, back when Scooby was at the stable. I never rode him, but I heard he was pretty naughty. I think he bucked a person or two off before he left. He looks all adorable here, but trust me his only stayed still for like .5 seconds before he pulled back. Though that's typical of horses. They don't pose.

May the Fourth (be with you). Good times, good times.

Now THAT was a memorable day. Had my first time impromptu galloping session. XD This was after the fact of course. Quite the crazy ride, and yet I didn't fall off. Not sure how. Thank goodness Rachelle was there. If she hadn't I probably would have fallen off on purpose just to get off Gigi. XD

Oh yeah, that time we visited Stonehenge while it was like A MILLION degrees out! Okay really it's a remake, obviously. It was really cool. I would have wanted to stay there all day if it wasn't so painfully hot outside. And if we weren't on our way home from Oregon. There's always that.

Throwback to that time as Tiana's graduation where we stole Lilly's phone. This is the only picture we took that I look halfway decent in. XD And of course Bethany looks like a beauty queen, as always.
And finally a little collage of some of my Instagram photos, which is about the only way I post pictures on the internet. And I managed to get locked out of my account. Yay me. There's my first time having butterbeer, and when I got my first chocolate frog (I got the card for Voldemort). That time I mysterious got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, which I finally got Evangeline to confess to. I know you read my blog, and so I say THANK YOU EV! And finally a stack of Romanov books. Both ones I own, and library books. I have more on the way from Amazon. >:)
So now that we've gone through an epic collage of my year, it's time to get down to it.
For starters, this year was really huge for me, because after five years, a spark was rekindled into a flame (that's such a poetic way to put it XD). In other words, I got to start being around horses again.
I am still absolutely giddy every time I go to the stables, even though it's been nine months since I first started. Cleaning stalls is still one of the funnest things I do. Dropping hay is ridiculously fun, and working with never before ridden horses is so fun. Riding gets more amazing each time I swing into the saddle. With all this, I ask myself, if I hadn't had to wait would I feel this way?
After I stopped riding at my last barn, due to financial issues, I could only wonder when I could ride again. At first it was really hard, and I was hard on myself. My way of coping started as me resigning myself to the fact that I would never be able to ride in my teens. Not until I was an adult, and could pay for it myself. But eventually God did what he's always done to help me. I got distracted. There was a long time that I forgot about horses. That they were my passion.
So I forgot. Almost five years of forgetting. Then one day, I just wanted to ride so badly. God said it was time, and all of a sudden I couldn't get it out of my head. I tried one stable, but it didn't work out. Then I found All Starr. In a matter of one week of contacting Rachelle, I was out at the stable working and it hasn't stopped. So I think back to my question, would I still feel so excited, like I described above, if I didn't wait? Honestly I don't know. But if I had the choice to start riding again, right after I stopped six years ago, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Sure, I'd be a better rider. I'd probably be jumping, my dream since I learned what horses were. But I wouldn't be who I am today and I like this person I've become. So yeah, I'd choose to wait.
Another thing about this year, Misophonia. I discovered I had it a little over a year ago. At the time, that was a huge relief. Not gonna lie, I thought I was going insane. Before we found out, it was... driving me crazy. And that's the understatement of the century. Since we've discovered it, there's been a lot of growing. It's a hard condition to live with, both if you have it, or if a family member has it. Considering my sister has it, and I also have it, I get the brunt of both sides. Ug.
Misophonia is... how can I put this lightly. A nightmare. Yeah, that's a fairly good description of it. It's gotten better. Well, not really. My symptoms have worsened these past few months. But the relating to it in my family has gotten better. So that's how it's gotten better (and sugar might be the cause of why it's gotten worse. I've been having a lot lately, so I'm going off again. For good this time). I've had a lot of breakdown lately. I really hate them. There are two options. Either rage, which sucks, or I turn the rage into sorrow. I never naturally cry at a trigger, but I can make myself, and honestly that's almost the better option. I mean it's still really horrible, but it's so much easier to pray when you're sad then when you're ready to punch someone.
Yesterday I had a particularly bad breakdown. I'm okay now, but at the time I was seriously freaking out. I decided to cry instead of rage, and I just sorta sat at my desk for a long time and just cried. Until I finally asked for help, which eventually made it better.
So yeah, that's the dose of severe reality as to what my life is like. On a more happy note there is this song that makes me super happy that I related to Misophonia. It's called Stand by You by Rachel Platten. Whenever I listen to it I just think about my family and my friends surrounding me to help me with it. The lyrics really strike me too, one particular part being "Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through." And I dunno. It just reminds me so much of my Miso, and is kind of like a warm reminder that I'm not alone. I forget that sometimes.
This year was also quite amazing, because 841 Films was started. Sometime in January. Since then we've grown really close to great friends. It's been an amazing journey making films together, and getting to know one another better. And now in our next super top secret film, I'll be one of the two main roles. I'm super scared, but also excited, but mostly scared. XD
Ah yes, and this year I made my first composition! My first four actually, though I've only posted three. I've yet to record the fourth, and possible add instruments. That's been a lot of fun, and I know I have a long way to go, but I hope one day I can be half as good as Brunuh Ville, or Adrian von Ziegler. They're two of the biggest reasons that I started composing. So my hats off to them.
Finally I want to end this post with my new year's resolution. I'm actually going to make one, and hopefully follow through with it. So here it is:
To start exercising regularly
To stop eating all processed sugar, and dairy
To (attempt to) grow a full garden
To complete a full album of music
To finish editing She-Wolf so I can get critiques from friends and family
To pray for help for my Misophonia everyday
Wish me luck! And lemme know what your resolution is. :) Happy new year everybody!
Happy New Year!!!! And wow, you've done a lot this year! Go you! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy new year Alina! I really like that song by Rachel Platten too- I will be praying for your Misophonia. Hope things will get easier for you!
ReplyDeleteHappy new year! And thanks Morgan! I really appreciate all the prayer I can get. :)