I was tagged by Morgan at Fandom Fox to do this tag!
Thank you Morgan!
Jack Sparrow
When I first watched the Pirates of the Caribbean films, I fell in love with Jack. He's lovable, witty, but at his core still has a proper sense of humanity. But there's an interesting fact not many people know about him, and it makes him all the more special.
In the third movie there was a short discussion between Cutler Beckett and Jack. Obviously they had done business together. Turns out, Jack was employed by the East India Trading Company and was given command of the Wicked Wench. But the cargo he was contracted to deliver were slaves, and he chose to liberate them rather than deliver them. This caused Cutler Beckett, his employer, to brand Jack as a pirate and set the Wicked Wench aflame. This is why Jack struck a bargain with Davy Jones, to resurrect the Wicked Wench. It was returned to him in near perfect condition, except for it's carried hull. This is what prompted Jack to rename her the Black Pearl.
Oh, and his debt of 100 souls to Davy Jones? This is because he liberated exactly 100 slaves, and that's why he was so reluctant to pay his debts. So Jack is a better man than you may have imagined. Pretty interesting, huh?
Oliver Queen / The Arrow
It's wasn't that long ago that I started watching the CW hit Arrow, and since then I've only grown to love it's main character Oliver Queen more. He who started as a billionaire playboy, was subjected to a horrid five years on the island of Lian Yu, which transformed Oliver into a killer. When he finally returned, he had a goal in mind.
I love Oliver, because he has a dark past, which is slowly revealed over the seasons. He cares about his family more than anything else, and all he's trying to do is make Starling City a better place. Despite struggles and wrong decisions, he slowly become a better person over the series, and is seriously one of my all time favorite characters in the history of ever.

Agents of Shield. Some say it's cheesy. I say it's brilliant. One of it's main characters, Skye, has been quite fun to watch through the series. She who started as a hacker to discover her past, has grown as a person so much. There have been many a moments when she was strong in the face of danger, but she's had her moments of weakness to. There are many area's that I can relate to her, which is part of what makes her such a fun character.
Also, I hugely love her because her character rarely, if ever, swears. She uses slightly odd phrases you wouldn't normally hear, and just has a sweetness about her. I also lover her relationship with Coulson, who I kind of see as a father figure to her.

Barry Allen / The Flash
The prince of epic hair (because let's face it, no one will beat The Tenth Doctor)
Ever since my brother got obsessed with comics, particularly DC, he's loved Barry Allen. I always thought he was cool and all, but it wasn't until CW started The Flash series that I really started to love him. Oh, and I just have to add, I totally freaked when he was in Arrow for the first time. Such epicness.
Barry's really kind, and he wants only to help. I like how he always wants to see the best in people, no matter what. He is a terrible liar, and ever so terribly stuck in the friendzone, which is kind of sad to watch. Poor Barry. But he's just such a great character, surrounded by other great characters. I can't exactly explain why I like him, but he's just awesome!
Draco Malfoy
Bet you weren't expecting him.
As far as Harry Potter goes, I wanted to list all the characters as my favorite (particularly Snape, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Hagrid, you know... everyone) but decided to go with Draco because he's a character that intrigued me. And no, I didn't pick him just 'cause he's in my house.
Draco's character was your basic antagonist for the villain. A bad guy other than Voldemort.
I really loved how Draco changed near the end of the series. You started to see how he was forced into becoming a Death Eater from peer pressure, from both his parents and because he was from Slytherin, the "evil" house. But really, he was just a boy who made the wrong choices, and anyone could have made them.
I'm kind of a villain fan, and Draco is one of my favorite villains because he never really was one.
Professor River Song
I decided not to go with the obvious main character from the wondrous show Doctor Who, but spunky River Song.
When she first came in (errr... second time. It's... complicated) I didn't like her. She knew how to fly the TARDIS, and had such an air of confidence and knowledge about space and time that I didn't like it. Not one bit. But she quickly grew on me.
River's timeline is scrambled, and she's everywhere and anywhere. She can hold her own, but she isn't cocky about it, thank goodness. Deep down she's actually the scared little girl, trained to be an assassin. She's a very interesting character, and I was quite sad to see her go.

Jim Moriarty
I think most everyone that I know who watched Sherlock doesn't like how Moriarty is portrayed.
Currently I haven't read about book Moriarty, so I've got nothing to go on. Sure, this Moriarty is a little crazy. He's a complete psychopath. But I actually like the way he's portrayed. He has a careless manner, and his voice changes pitch between basically every word. One second he's laughing lightly, and the next he's shouting in a deep voice. He's so wonderfully unpredictable, and I think it's a very interesting take of Moriarty. Instead of the typical smart, collected, and witty type villain, he's so crazy and random you can't possibly guess what he's got coming next.

Buckey Barnes / The Winter Soldier
A great friend, supporting character, and victim of Hydra. I'd say Buckey is an easily overlooked character in the Marvel franchise, and that simply wont do.
How can you not love Buckey? He was always there for Steve, ever since they were kids. No matter what he had his back, even when Steve was going crazy trying to get into the Army. Then in the Winter Soldier, when he was revealed to be brainwashed? Ahhh, Buckey!

Shawn Spencer
Shawn Spencer is one of the greatest characters. He's funny, and a dang good detective. I cannot tell you how many times I was dying of laughter from his antics. He's just awesome.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
King of sarcasm.
Obi-Wan, the ever lovable mentor of Luke Skywalker for a time, and trainer of Anakin Skywalker.
Despite being a tough fighter, and a completely lovable character, Obi is one with sarcasm. Seriously, whenever I re-watch the prequels I can't contain myself. There are times that I just lose it, it's just so darn funny for some reason. His character isn't even supposed to be funny, per say.
Overall, I just really love Obi. Or Obi-Boabi as he's called by me. It's a weird nickname that just sorta... happened.
That was fun! At first I couldn't hardly think of anyone, but once I started I couldn't stop.
Now I'm going to tag...
Morgan, you tagged everyone else I know! *hisses*
Thanks for tagging me! And you probably took all of the ones that I would have said. Oh well, I'll have to think up new ones.