I've decided to make a post all about horses, but specifically about the horses at All Starr Stables. Luckily, I do have some photo's, and in time I hope to take more. Actually, most of the photos aren't actually mine. They were taken by my mom, or Rochelle.
This here is me and Scooby. Yes, as in Scooby Doo. To be honest, I can't keep up with all the breeds around All Starr, since horses are always coming and going. But he was a sweet stallion or gelding, I honestly have no idea which. He's not at All Starr anymore. Whether this has to do with him bucking a person or two off, I don't know.

This is me (duh) during my first ride on Luna. She's a nice little girl, though beware of her. Once while cleaning her stall she tried to bolt. Luckily the wheelbarrow was just enough in the way to block her, the crafty little mare. Since she's only about six months into her training, controlling her is halfway to impossible. For me at least. I can barely make her walk around the full ring, let alone trot her. I've had to have Rochelle and Mary lunge me so I can get some good trotting in on her. Someday she could make a great lesson horse though.

The two above photos are Fabio. He's an Arabian cross, and very sweet. He's not quite a pony, but he's so small. It's adorable. I haven't ridden him before, but Mary assures me he's a great ride. Perhaps someday I'll get a chance to try him out.
This is Hallie, a Pinto mare. She recently left All Starr, but came back. I'm not entirely sure why. But oh well, she's sweet. She's a great beginner lesson horse.
Finally there's my beautiful Lacey. She's a Pinto Arabian cross, and absolutely adorable. While she's energetic and had the largest trot I've ever ridden, she's really well trained. She's great in the crossties and tacking up, and her coat is so pretty! She's the first horse I rode at All Starr, so that's kind of special to me. After five years out of the saddle, I jump back in only to almost be throw out by her trotting. Ah, but she's great.
Wow, all those horses are beautiful! That must be so cool being able to ride them all. :)