Photography. Something I've been interested since age... well, I don't actually know. But I can't tell you how proud I was when I bought my first camera. It's a little silver point and shoot, and while it was great at the time, I can't stand it now. The picture quality is so terrible. So I've finally decided to save up for a proper camera. I've got it picked out, but the problem is money. I don't got none. Paychecks have been scarce these days, and what little money I get, I've used to pay off debts (heed my warning,
never go into debt!). So I've got like...
maybe $25 of the some $500 the camera will cost. So yeah, that's why I haven't taken and posted pictures on my blog, as I've wanted to for some time now. Since I got a few requests in the comments (I actually got
requests from
commenters!) I decided to take some pictures on my phone. They're crappy quality most of the time, but hey, I'll get a better camera someday.
The calm before the storm is over now, as the changing of rooms has begun. Originally it was looking like Daniel and I would sleep on our bed, which would be left in the small room until the desktop was ready. But things changed, and now our room is empty and we've repainted the whole thing. Our garage looks like a nightmare, filled with all our stuff.
See? That's our garage right now. Never in all my life have I seen it this crazy. And to think, this is only from two rooms of the house. Two! It's pure craziness. I can't even imagine moving to a whole new house. Oh the horror...
Due to the garage being in such a chaotic state, we had to get creative when we needed to grab a light bulb for the new office. See that red claw? Yup, that's how we reached over all the junk to get it. Thank goodness we didn't drop it. I don't even want to imagine that mess.
Here's my beautiful desk, as well as my nightstand, out in the garage. All the stuff piled on top is from the bottom right draw of the desk. Well, except for the box full of white tissue. That's a small portion of my Schleich, which are currently mostly packed up.
My bed, full of stuff needing to be backed up.
Yes, I have a giant Spider-Man 2 poster hanging on my wall. Or at least, I did. It's it glorious?
Doors... doors everywhere...
See my beautiful closet! I'm in love it. It's so much roomier than the last one was.
My "army" bed in pieces. I'm gonna miss this bed for the next few days.
This picture is what I found of my Lego castle, after storing it upstairs due to it being much to large to fit in the box with the rest of my medieval Legos. Can you guess who hijacked this set?
Of course it's normal to have a walking box as you're packing up your room...
Yes! I found it! Some odd years ago my dad got me a silver Big Ben clock when he went to England for a business trip. Out of any souvenir, that's what I wanted most. Luckily I found the box to keep it safe during the chaos of moving. This clock is my pride and joy of my mini clock collection.
There she is, in all her glory. The clock even glows different colors if I want to.
In short, my day was spent moving furniture, packing up stuff, painting, moving furniture, organizing messes, moving furniture, and moving just a little more furniture. The goal is to be fully(ish) moved into our new room by Thursday. So that means we have to paint, install wood flooring, put up chair trim, and move everything back into the large room in four days. That's not including chopping up the old desk for Daniel, moving the Diamond onto it's makeshift desk in the new office, or any other stuff I forgot about. Oh, yeah, the Diamond is the name of my dads computer. In the past, we named all our computers after gems. I think mines was Amethyst or something... that was before Tommy.
After today, I'm so tired. Tomorrow I plan to do very little in the morning, since I'll be going to All Starr in the afternoon. That always sucks all my energy, but I love it. Being around horses and riding again has stirred something inside me, and it's simply wonderful.
I'm kind of sad, because I completely missed the Rolex. I was really looking forward to the cross country, and especially show jumping. Oh well, I guess I can go watch it still. But it not being live takes a little bit of the fun away. Oh well, maybe next time.